Kingdom of the dead mystara
Kingdom of the dead mystara

kingdom of the dead mystara

Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. Illustrations: John Lakey and Laura Lakeyĭistributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd.


The scenario was adapted as The Vanishing City, #15 in the series of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Gamebooks. M4 Five Coins for a Kingdom was written by Allen Varney, with art by John and Laura Lakey, and was published by TSR in 1987 as a 40-page booklet with an outer folder. Finally, the party journeys into their own sun to save their city. Before saving Solius, the party must defeat an invasive army led by mad Durhan.


Using the magic coins, the party travels to the outer plane of Eloysia, explore what is left of the city of Solius and free the wizards. Somos el agente Chamberlain, trabajando para una división secreta del gobierno destinada a combatir amenazas sobrenaturales. Five coins fall from sky, each imbued with the spirit of a power wizard beseeching the party to free them and save their world from destruction. Ya la ambientación de Kingdom of the Dead promete: a finales del siglo XIX, en la costa este estadounidense la misma muerte se abre camino por nuestro mundo. On a clear day, bright lights appear in the sky over a vibrant city as the player characters stand in the market, and then the city vanishes, leaving the party alone in a grassy field. Its cover art and interior art is by John and Laura Lakey, and cartography by William Reuter.įive Coins for a Kingdom is an adventure which involves a vanishing city and five magical coins.

kingdom of the dead mystara

The module was designed by Robin Jenkins. published the module in 1987 for the D&D Master Set rules.

  • JSTOR ( December 2010) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)įive Coins for a Kingdom is an adventure module for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, set in that game's Mystara campaign setting.
  • Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.įind sources: "Five Coins for a Kingdom" – news Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Continued abuse of our services will cause your IP address to be blocked indefinitely.This article needs additional citations for verification.

    kingdom of the dead mystara

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    kingdom of the dead mystara

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    Kingdom of the dead mystara